Thursday, September 22, 2011

Filladhoo islanders says Israeli agriculturists cannot enter their island

Murshid Abdul Hakeem
Islanders of the Haa Alif Filladhoo have decided to reject the team of Israeli agriculturists invited by the Ministry of Agriculture to conduct some agricultural projects in the island.

The islanders decided as such in a meeting held by the island council with the islanders last evening. Miadhu Daily was informed that the council held the meeting when they received a petition signed by many islanders to reject the Israeli team.

“From those who gathered at the meeting last evening, almost islanders voted to reject the Israeli agriculturist delegation. Two islanders from those present refrained from voting. Those two said that they are not concerned whether the Israelis visit the island or not. But as for the others, all of them voted to reject the Israelis from entering the island,” an islander informed Miadhu Daily.

The islanders of Filladhoo said that they are in no need of any help whatsoever from the state of Israel.

“The first thing they should do is to stop slaughtering our brothers in Palestine. How can they aid us in anything when they are slaughtering and shedding the blood of our very brothers? If the State Minister Shafia has an island she can take them there. And the islanders believe that it will be even better if Shafia moves to the state of Israel and live there,” the islanders said.

Meanwhile, Deputy President of Adhaalath Party, Dr. Mauroof Hussein urged “all islands to reject the Zionists from Israeli Intelligence, Mossad, who are reported to be visiting Maldives on 26th of this month garbed as agriculturists.”
= Source: Miadhu News=

1 comment:

  1. This is the problem. Whats the point of denying their entry. What do we gain by that. When did we become such racists. Adhaalath Party is this countries destruction.

    Our prophet lived and fought keeping them by his side..why cant we. As muslims we all believe we are offspring's from Adam and Eve. So doesn't that make the Israelis our brothers as well.

    The main problem is a huge potion of our society is misinformed about this issue...and the so called preachers are spreading all this hate among us for an alternative reason
